Online Courses

Register quickly and securely through PayPal or by Credit Card and start your course today!
Our online training program focuses on the eight core competencies of Brief Action Planning (BAP), a practical motivational and self-management technique for everyday practice.

Register via Desktop/Laptop
Depending on a user’s mobile device/operating system,  registration may be necessary on laptop or desktop. Once registered, you may login and use the course via your mobile device.
Be sure to enable cookies on smart phones and tablets.

BAP – CME Version Certificate Information
Upon completion of course you will be asked to complete a Certificate Information form including Learner Information Transmittal Attestation to provide Stony Brook Office of CME consent to transmit data on your behalf to the specialty board (ABIM) via the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).

Contact Us if you have any questions about registering for courses »

BAP: Core Competencies
BAP: Core Competencies
This course, BAP: Core Competencies, consists of approximately eight hours of multi-modal learning: online self-directed reading; three high definition annotated video demonstration of skills; three online interactive quizzes with feedback for incorrect answers; and three real-world field exercises to practice and consolidate skills.
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Advanced Course Now Available!

7/22/22 through 11/1/22

BAP-MI: A Stepped-Care Approach to Health Behavior Change

American Psychiatric Association, Learning Center

Registration for this advanced 8.0 CME credit course qualifies you for a discounted rate of $50 ($150 savings) for the foundations course, BAP: Core Competencies, which is a recommended pre-course for BAP-MI. Completion of the foundations course, BAP: Core Competencies provides an additional 8.0 CME credits, or a total of 16.0 CME credits for both courses together.

APA Course