About CMI

CMI Inspires and strengthens success in individuals with straightforward collaborative planning for change and progressively introducing more nuanced interactions for persisting problems.

Comprehensive Motivational Interventions (CMI) supports individual self-management and positive behavior change through a highly structured, evidence-informed and stepped-care approach to health and wellness. Uniquely coherent, pragmatic and universal, CMI starts with straightforward collaborative planning for change and progressively introduces more nuanced interactions for persisting problems.

Organized Around Three Core Questions

Organized around the three core questions of Brief Action Planning (BAP™) and supplemented, as needed, by strategic interventions from The Medical Interview: The Three Function Approach [1], Motivational Interviewing (MI) [2], and behavior and system change research. CMI can be adapted for use with all individuals, regardless of health status and readiness for change. CMI transforms lives by eliciting needs, reinforcing innate strengths, and inspiring self-accountability.

Utilized by a Variety of Practitioners

CMI can be efficiently and effectively utilized by practitioners from all the helping professions, ranging from psychology, social work, general medicine and dentistry to psychiatry, nursing, physical therapy, nutrition, life counseling, education, and others. CMI has universal relevance at all levels of care and readiness for change, thus making it more widely applicable than many other approaches while it is also straightforward, pragmatic, and easier to learn and apply than many other approaches.

Mastering Skills Through Workshops & Online Courses

CMI workshops and online courses focus on developing mastery of the core evidence-based behavior change and motivational skills shown to be useful to facilitate patient or client adoption of healthier lifestyles to: increase exercise, stop smoking, improve diet, decrease risky drinking, increase adherence to treatment recommendations, improve relationships and/or develop individualized action plans for lifestyle change, wellness, physical or mental health.


[1] Cole S, Bird J: The Medical Interview: The Three Function Approach, Third Edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2014.

[2] Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change. Third Edition. Guilford Press. NY, 2013.